
Showing posts from October, 2019

Depression Psychological & economical

Psychological depression:-Frustration comes with repeated practice committed over same work. Frustration could not be termed as disease but boredom incurred out of unwanted feeling towards activity. Some people would face deterioration in their career path due to declining performance graph & dismay on failures. If such failures is repetitive in nature person gets frustated & desire generates going into isolation for peace of mind. Depression come out of frustation because breakdown in performance consistency & reduces zeal for adhereing new task & acheiving result. Frustration casues anger, anger makes person commiting mistakes or distruction. Anger brings self-destruction thoughts due to continuos obstacles on success path. As individual enters into Depression when he starts thinking negative in every sense. Suicidal tendencies occures when person starts becoming depressed. He forgets all good which may can happen if focused. Youngsters are facing depression due...

Humanitarian Demolition

Human trafficking & abuse is serious factor which is unforcibly taking its pace around countries. Many countries are suffering from this lethal contagious factor. Laws under Human traficking was introduced in 2014 during 113th United states congress.This crime is punishable under section 336(A) & 372 severe penalty & upto 7yrs imprisonment. Inconsistent implementation of same could be an area of concern. Prejudicing law is punishable in every sense. Tracking methodology among different countries against this henious crime differs. Considerably it is supposed to be rigid for controlling this disease. Human crimes are very extensively rise all around the world. Its creating factor of suspicion against the law enacted by country when required results if dosent come into vision. Incidence in Essex thurrock where 39 dead bodies observed carried in lorry refrigerated. 38 bodies along with 1 young found dead in lorry but reason unindentified. Essex Police has arre...

Air Contamination

Air pollution is the biggest area of concern for Human mankind. Its hunting lives of living beings every year at higher side. Global warming has an uncertain impact which is affecting the health of all living creatures on earth. The reason behind air contamination is the unethical use of adulterated fuel used in vehicles. Sulphur content is mostly observed in automotive fuel which is hazardous. Pollution incubating environmental balance resulting in ecological imbalance. Over 70% of air pollution is because of vehicles. Rest is contributed by industries. Automobile sale is happening aggressively around countries & majorly at the time of festivals. These vehicles produce CO2 because of fuel burning. Diesel produces more CO2 as compared to gasoline(Petrol). Delhi is the most polluted city in the world as it has left Beijing behind in air pollution. Every year 1400 vehicles are adding on Delhi roads. Some things need to be done for controlling this air quality contamination. D...

Extinction of balanced economy

Modernisation is part of a changing society. During 80’s India used to be an under-developed nation where many foreign investors & observed the scope of investment growth. India was a shattered economy before independence & was dominated by the British empire used to be called as East India company that India was rich in food grains & useful crops which was a most attractive hidden treasure for non-Indians. After independence, India was still struggling on employment, industrialisation & agriculture platform. After 1950 agriculture started becoming steady in production & supply. India was always an alluring factor for overseas humans and no entity was that powerful to drag collapsed economy. Development of agricultural production by 20th century has overcome the lifestyle of citizens belonging to India. After the implementation of FDI policy & relaxation has improved it a lot. It has dragged an opportunity of ITES, BPOs, KPOs & much industrial growth. P...

Education is more of earning than learning nowdays

Education is pivotal factor helps in shaping mind of an innocent child to destine him/her calling educated.Parent wish to educate their child on reputed platform based on their spending capacity. Being literate is spontaneously occuring nowdays in society. Earlier considering the economy & utiulisation of available resources within country was under utlised. Reaserchers & scientist always considered India as prompted rich in natural resouces & precious solid substances. Kolar Gold Mines was biggest example of gold feild located in Karnataka. Inevitably it went shut down in 2001 due to low production & filteration of yellow metal.Burglary of Historic gold ornaments & precious treasures came into practice before independence. Currently Bank of India holds largest store in the world. India is having yellow metal holding around 557 tonnes according to Forbes. India current population is around 1.37 billion as per latest census. No doubt it may beat population ...


Things around us are surrounded by 3d nature. We are living in 3d world. If we want to understand reality & fact about this universe we have to understand the dimensions which exists. There are 4 dimensions in this world or we can say in present universe whihc are truely identified. First Dimension: In 1st dimension an object or thing can move horizontally like left or right. If object has to proceed from one point to another it can only move left or right & cannot have any other choice of movement. Second Dimension: In 2nd dimension an object or thing can move horizontally like left or right ,Up & down. If object has to proceed from one point to another it can move left or right or Up & down movement. Third Dimension: We can call it as 3d world which presently we are living. Here we have all object having its body mass & depth. Its having quality of length ,height & depth as well.  Fourth Dimension: 4th Dimesnion is time of universe, here we are mov...

Listen to your heart

The general of the army of a country was defeated by the enemy in the war and came home disappointed. Sad, the wife asked for the reason, she told the whole thing, the wife heard and said in anger, "I married a knight general, you came out too, I was a widow while you were living." You lost the war of mind. The general was hurt, self-esteem was hurt, he began to reproach himself and got up and went back immediately. Together the army fought the enemy and won. All this victory was a victory in his mind. Strangely, almost all organs in the human body appear in a physical form. For example, the eyes, nose, ears, heart, etc., but the mind that drives, stops, wanders, defeats, defeats, causes many emotions, actions, etc., does not have any visual macroexistence of its own. In the spiritual fictions, however, the inter-version is described as quadrature. Here, it is important to understand the conscience.  Inner means that the senses inside the body, it does not give dir...