Air Contamination
Air pollution is the biggest area of concern for Human mankind. Its hunting lives of living beings every year at higher side. Global warming has an uncertain impact which is affecting the health of all living creatures on earth. The reason behind air contamination is the unethical use of adulterated fuel used in vehicles. Sulphur content is mostly observed in automotive fuel which is hazardous. Pollution incubating environmental balance resulting in ecological imbalance.
Over 70% of air pollution is because of vehicles. Rest is contributed by industries. Automobile sale is happening aggressively around countries & majorly at the time of festivals. These vehicles produce CO2 because of fuel burning. Diesel produces more CO2 as compared to gasoline(Petrol). Delhi is the most polluted city in the world as it has left Beijing behind in air pollution. Every year 1400 vehicles are adding on Delhi roads.
Some things need to be done for controlling this air quality contamination. Developing infrastructure resulting in trees cutting is also problematic.
30% of children are suffering from tragic asthma in Bangalore due to heavy air pollution. It’s been studied that 30% liver survival capacity of an Indian is less compared to Europeans. Lethal disease like cancer is caused due to death because of air pollution. Govt. has implemented guidelines under air pollution control act of 1981 where its suggested use of clear fuel & no addition of sulphur contents. Delhi Govt. has implemented using pure fuel composition which is helping in reducing air pollution.
Its affecting resources, contamination of air, contaminating soil quality & eventually reducing agricultural production.
Bitter truth