Depression Psychological & economical

Psychological depression:-Frustration comes with repeated practice committed over same work. Frustration could not be termed as disease but boredom incurred out of unwanted feeling towards activity. Some people would face deterioration in their career path due to declining performance graph & dismay on failures. If such failures is repetitive in nature person gets frustated & desire generates going into isolation for peace of mind. Depression come out of frustation because breakdown in performance consistency & reduces zeal for adhereing new task & acheiving result. Frustration casues anger, anger makes person commiting mistakes or distruction. Anger brings self-destruction thoughts due to continuos obstacles on success path.
As individual enters into Depression when he starts thinking negative in every sense. Suicidal tendencies occures when person starts becoming depressed. He forgets all good which may can happen if focused. Youngsters are facing depression due to failure against desired results, employed face depression due to lack of motivation or competition progress among collegues. Annoying fact is when hope overcoming out of failure also vanishes.
Economic Depression:-When nazis came into power in germay during 1929-30's great depression took place when all middles class family stable life was ruined & market collapsed. All way poverty food riots took place on ground. Grocery stores, food stores etc. were destructed by people for survival. Market started collapsing & by end of Nov-1929 market lost 30$ billion. Black thursday has impacted lives of common germans. Savings of people in bank were completely vanished & banking institution became insolvent. Due to economic slowdown country came under huge financial crises & seeking help from rest nations. German economy was dependent on American debts/loans & foreign trades. Hitler intended ending democracy by introducing Nazis acquisition.
Great Depression has also impacted India in 1929 severly as it has brought industrial development slowdown & blocked growth of Jute productions. At time India was under British raj i.e acquired by Britishers.
Depression whether psychological or econominc impacts human life, better working on overcoming out of failures & productively organise structure fulfilling stable economic nation purpose.


  1. This is so good. Perfect facts. Totally agreed. Keep it up with ur good work. Ur blogs are amazing.


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