Listen to your heart

The general of the army of a country was defeated by the enemy in the war and came home disappointed. Sad, the wife asked for the reason, she told the whole thing, the wife heard and said in anger, "I married a knight general, you came out too, I was a widow while you were living." You lost the war of mind. The general was hurt, self-esteem was hurt, he began to reproach himself and got up and went back immediately. Together the army fought the enemy and won. All this victory was a victory in his mind. Strangely, almost all organs in the human body appear in a physical form. For example, the eyes, nose, ears, heart, etc., but the mind that drives, stops, wanders, defeats, defeats, causes many emotions, actions, etc., does not have any visual macroexistence of its own. In the spiritual fictions, however, the inter-version is described as quadrature. Here, it is important to understand the conscience. 

Inner means that the senses inside the body, it does not give direct knowledge of external objects, whereas external senses such as eyes, nose, ears, etc., are used to know external objects. Conscience accepts or experiences the senses inside the body such as ignorance, desire, happiness and sorrow, hope, hope, effort, etc. The inner four are mind, intellect, mind and ego. These are the four circles. The mind makes a resolution, the mind gives a sense of determination, the intellect tells the truth, the truth, the truth, the truth and the wrong, the mind is the name of the thinking, which also takes care of thoughts, events, etc., and the ego is the name of the speculent or the proud attitude. He dances like a monkey. Its speed is more towards negativity. That is why Lord Krishna has inspired man to save himself by binding the mind to the feet of God.


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