
What is religion? Every living entity having its definition and belief with different perception. Animal on this eternal universe having motive to enforce their ideas & laws on others with intent to create identical ideology of one faith –one god. But have we ever wondered how it came into existence!! Of course we never bothered looking at that way as its retrospection will gives more clarity & may can bring awareness that whether we are on wrong path. Idea behind drawing this topic is not to prove that we are following any false religion but to enhance your belief more about fair or existentially acceptable religious sentiments. It’s been scientifically proved during Stone age we can also term during Paleolithic period which existed almost 300,000 year ago. Science believe that Human species is under continuous development & adapted themselves throughout the era. Suppose during old age human has to feed themselves on fruits or whichever sources was available which kept them alive they started treating that source as God which keep them alive. Habitat of human is been developing since inception which is evident if we put a glance 10-20 year back in past we used to send letter for long unapproachable distance person for communication & now we have ample of sources for communication like mobile, Email ,communication via Radio frequency. Scientific development enhanced this sharing in space where without atmosphere we can communicate through radio transmission. So, human during old age would have developed food habits from fruits to flesh with external atmospheric or ecological changes. Then whatever this nature offers against survival to human made them treat it as a God. And protection of this Nature had become their undeniable religion. If something protects you to survive it becomes religion of faith, a religion to be worshiped. With this continuous journey towards future belief towards religion was also changed. Now human started believing in Polythestic religion in which there are different gods with different powers. Roman was polytheistic believers of god. They used to worship different gods having different powers who was capable of fulfilling their followers surficial purpose by blessing them strength & power. Later monotheistic religion came into existence in which it defined only one god existed & should be solely worshiped. It was originated with Persians 4000 years ago. Its a firm belief of monotheistic religious followers that there is only one Supreme personality which has to be worshipped. Christianity is the biggest monotheistic religion worshipped on earth with true believers in Jesus Christ as supreme god of this universe. In 1500 century mass massacre happened when Roman,German emperors called up battle & killed major Christian religious followers intent to demolish monotheistic belief. Such battles happened in history enacted religious enforcement over different religious believers which have stained deep mark on their fraternity. Many of us studied how life & this universe came into existence. How does it evolved throughout this time journey . Its proven study that universe formed from matter which was dense later exploded with intensity which could not hold its compression after certain extent & expelled itself with explosion at vast immeasurable range. No one knows how this “Matter” formed with available subjective sources & theories invented so far in history. Hindu religious followers believe its Bramha who engraved life into this universe. Other religious followers have same belief towards their creator as per proclaimed holy books which cannot be denied .We all know that this innumerous universe each matter & antimatter expels each other eventually with a new life formation is truly impeccable spiritual power which cannot be explained in words. So why this matters who created what? We are blessed with this beautiful god driven spiritual or you can call scientific anatomy with all living fulfillment sources around us. If this spectacular beauty is believed to be formed either by Bramha or Jesus will it change embodiment of human body,birds,animals or any living & non living being on this earth or in universe! No ,it will not because its their creation which is born to life with definite purpose. Racial segregation of human precipitated believing in their religion turned furious rage among various monotheistic & polytheistic religious groups which resulted in execution of major brotherhood with evident incidents happened so far. May someone raise questioning that why is this rage & vandalization happened so far in history , In presence & will it continue to happen in future also! What it will prove ? Eventually at what point will this prove our eternal purpose of practicing it repeatedly. This can never end until & unless if we accepts each other as we are & keeping faith in our belief of god without enforcing it on others.


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