Doomsday is Controllable

We are growing towards development , establishing huge industrial structures, building lavish accomodation & many more. Nowdays everyone is very concerned about maintaining their Standard of living. Family with 4 members is supposed to have atleast a car at home & there desire increase based on family size. India is falling under risk of increasing atmospheric density & temprature. Its moreover increasing possiblity of dangerous rundown in availability of necessary resources. India is 2nd largest populated country around world preceding after china. Based on population census, number of automobile running on roads are also on higher side. Pollution fragmanting ecological balance consistently & this may vanish pure air to breathe hitherto in future very soon. 

CO2 along with hydrocarbon atomic contents is increaing in atmoshphere & simultaneously increasing harmful health risk at alarming rate. Book Author " Clearing the Air" have portrayed increasing Air pollution in New york city & he has revealled his experiences after travelling around most polluted cities in different countries like Delhi,Beijing etc. There he came to very serious findings which trigger nightmare happening in true world. Life expectancy of human also declining due to collated different pollution all around. UN reports defined projection of risk roaming over ocean accessible cities & some asian countries. As per UN reports by the end of year 2050 many cities falling under High tide level may going to face damage & may get flooded or submerged in sea. Cities like Surat, Mumbai & Kolkata could sink by 2050 due to sea level rise. By 2100 century many coutries will be facing immense/severe water shortage. Storm & flood likely to happen once in every year than in 100 years of time span. Sea level is rising anxiously by 1 meter in next 30 years. Unfolding reality is ground water level rise will impact & may determines very tragic result which is not so safe for human mankind. Sea level is drowing high due to melting of Himalaya glaciers. Increasing emmission of carbon components & impatient infrastructure development reducing forest is parallel destruction factor for future life.
Carbon dioxide is colorless gas with density of 60% more than dry air. Its easily soluble in water. This lethal odourless gas putting human life survival risk. Carbondioxide is concentrated gas & having acidic odor. Carbondioxide present with natural gas & petroleum deposits. As its easily occurs in water,sea & ground it gradually increase sea level which is increasing flood risk. Resulting embedded alive cities & countries near continents & sub-continents would increase future annhiliation probability. 
Reduction of carbon emmission & avoiding inflammable gas & gasoline use is only source of keeping life alive in future. 


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