Be Brave & Courageous

Bravery is defined with brave heart having no fear from any. Courage & bravery is identical but minor difference in which bravery is accumulating oneself to move ahead without thinking of consequences & Courage is to forecast the possibility but taking a chance appearing towards risk. If one is courageous he is very well aware that he might be hopping into unprecedented risk to achieve his destiny or pinnacle. On other hand bravery is predefined confidence of oneself have no fear of consequences & moving towards target with zeal. It may sometimes happen courageous may fail & brave may win but at end it decides how person execute his/her mindset further in his life. Success will enthralls confidence of brave & decline for courageous but end of day it rely only on intention & faith on our capability.
You must have heard about "Karna" in Mahabharta who was in support of 'kaurava' dynasty. Karan always lived sinful life as long he lived. He was rejected by his mother after his birth never patronized by his father & abandoned by society as well. Karna was son of Kunti & Surya but was conceived by unmarried teenage mother kunti. Due to shame kunti used to hide her pregnancy from everyone. But after his birth karna was abandon & kept in basket allowing to flown into river who was later identified in river Ganga. Pandav was not aware that karna was there brother but realised after Mahabharta. Karna was killed by Arjun who was his brother given birth by same mother kunti. Difference Arjun was son of Pandu & Kunti besides this Karna was born from Surya & Kunti as I narrated before. Karna was bravest warrior & was very humble doing welfare of mankind. Once karna was lying on bed injured after war in Mahabharat by Arjun. He was bleeding from all body parts & was seeking for death. Keeping all sins, injustice & hate he received from all he was hoping to have peaceful end. Disappointed from everyone but still he accepted all his good & bad karma. Lord krishna was having sympathy towards karna so he thought to see him before he die & examine his beliefs or principals karna always followed. Lord went to see him in different attire of brahmin asking to offer them 'bhiksha'. Krishna asked him why he had such suffering where Karna answered that its time for him to repay against all his doings. As karna was unable to move he picked stone from floor & started chewing it as hard until his teeth repel from gum. After painful effort he broke one teeth of gold & offered to Krishna mock as Brahmin. Krishna asked Karna how can he accept his bhiksha of teeth covered in saliva. Karna was injured but managed getting up from his bed completely wounded & started walking towards table kept besides door. All his legs & hands started bleeding immensely. Still he took water in bowl & washed that teeth ,later handed over it to Lord Krishna. This display quality of his courage being most protagonist character & a symbol of sincerity, trustworthy, honesty & welfare. Krishna appeared in their real form asked karna that they can make him survive & vanish all his pain but sincere Karna conveyed that its his responsibility to pay against his karma & allow him to die peacefully.
What we learn out of his quality that one must be having courage & aware of his good as well as bad deeds. Taking its responsibility & accepting fate of his doings. Karna was symbol of bravery, courage & honesty an inspiration to end all bad deeds. I believe everyone should follow these ethics for making this world happening place to stay together.
"Never skip any task just in prediction of facing failure but always appear challenge life put on us & giving out best which could behead fear swriling within us. Be brave & courageous."


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