Groundwater Deterioration
Farming is solely dependent on ground water. Its cultivated with help of ground water & agricultural development is happening accordingly. Meanwhile water deficiency impacted zones/villages suffers due to less rainfall. Groundwater depletion is happening due to uncontrolled utilisation of groundwater in production of crops like rice,wheat & other food grains. Water stressed zones is in verge of agricultural disruption & sought help from local Govt. bodies. Groundwater contamination is happening due to various pollutions & wastes generating arsenic & fluoride. Groundwater preservance is likely to happen if rain water harvesting is peroclated & practiced at each imapcted stressed zones.
Nevertheless groundwater depletion is pollution affected deterioration happening due to various pollution increasing due to urbanisation & equally reponsible crop production activity. Emission of carbondioxide at higher side in atmosphere divulging dry air compound precipitation also ramming undergreound water level. Undoubtly ever growing fuel burning entitles atomspheric change reducing moisture content present in air & stark its existence which was once happening. Groundwater level impacting due to unlikely carbondioxide automotive fuel consumption. CO2 is colorless odourless gas having 60% higher density than dry air. It increase bad chemical compound & contaminates underground water eventually pollutes it & results becoming not suitable for drinking also. As major chunk of people in india is dependent on borewell in which water produced under rocks sediments below land.Water is becoming contaminated due to increase in air pollution ,unethical discharge of industrial waste into river & damaging productive quality of soil. Unless we stop outraging ecological disruption we cannot imbibe our safety.Empathy on happening nature tragedy won't stop loss future generation face.Patronizing available resources properly can only save our presence on earth.
Indian Government has revealed possible extinction of ground water sources in Punjab province. Unprecedented result is about to happen in next 2 decades where irrigation or crop cultivation will remain a myth as there will be no groundwater source available.India is observed groundwater depletion in regions like delhi,haryana,rajasthan & punjab drastically. India is 17th Country facing extremely intense water stress around country. Ground water depletion is also happening due to water-guzzeling crops like rice & sugarcane production. Waste generation & unbeatable or most feasible & unstoppable embodiment i.e. 'Plastic' is also responsible for damaging soil quality. Water storage is supposed to be done during monsoon. India has built various dams from decades & many of them are still under development due to bureaucratic sloth & corruption. Even after its construction due to groundwater depletion this is nowhere helping in sufficient water supply to cities & villages. Government has released data in July 2019 that 109 districts out of 684 for which details was available used maximum groundwater which was replenished by natural & aritificial processes.
Best way to save groundwater depletion is to use water according to discharge rate of pump for crop irrgiation in farms & avoiding chemical discharge in river. Stopping gasoline/fuel emission & promoting pollution control measures. Its way to high risky if we avoid recognizing value of available water resources & soon would call tragedy towards us.
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