Be Brave & Courageous
Bravery is defined with brave heart having no fear from any. Courage & bravery is identical but minor difference in which bravery is accumulating oneself to move ahead without thinking of consequences & Courage is to forecast the possibility but taking a chance appearing towards risk. If one is courageous he is very well aware that he might be hopping into unprecedented risk to achieve his destiny or pinnacle. On other hand bravery is predefined confidence of oneself have no fear of consequences & moving towards target with zeal. It may sometimes happen courageous may fail & brave may win but at end it decides how person execute his/her mindset further in his life. Success will enthralls confidence of brave & decline for courageous but end of day it rely only on intention & faith on our capability. You must have heard about "Karna" in Mahabharta who was in support of 'kaurava' dynasty. Karan always lived sinful life as long he lived. H...